OK I'm not knocking Louisianians but.........
Everyones talking about how well prepared they were for Gustav.....
Are you fucking kidding me?!!
Come on ......
How could you not be after Katrina?!!
If you didn't get your ass out of the city after that big fuck fest I don't know what it would take to get them people moving.....
And Yea!!! The levees held?!!.........OK isn't that what they are there for?!
Now don't go thinking I'm unsympathetic to the plight of the people hit by Katrina..........I am....I realize what a tragedy it was.
It's just that if they can't take precaution after that I think maybe we would have had to cut them off......
Maybe vote them off the island, so to speak!!!!
Let them make their own country!!!!
What would they do?!
Storm Washington?!!!
They won't leave for a Hurricane why would they leave for that???
Anyway the point is they did leave and they were prepared and being from Florida I do realize how scary and devastating Hurricanes can be .
So good for them !!!!!!!
Oh and have you seen Hanna?!!
Shes weaving around like a drunk bitch trying to dance on the bar with Ike right up her ass!!!!
AMEN! Take responsibility, know when mother nature can take you on, and you won't win.
I know someone who "rode it out". Not wise, and luckily Louisianna dodged the bullet this time.
As long as Hanna and Ike lean towards the east.....
I love watching the drunks on the bar!!!!!
Is it Hanna or the Keeper????
ha. yep, kinda like giving credit to the moron standing in oncoming traffic and giving him credit for actually getting out of the way.
go figure.
hahahaa! I'm glad someone said it and it wasn't me! I'm thinking that area of the country needs to be abandoned or turned into the next Alcatraz--well, it kind of already is full of criminals, but an official statement would be nice.
You have such a way with words. And I think that it's great that people are learning that mother nature will almost always win.
....whooops, by the way thx for your recent stop by my blog and comment!
And she's trying to hit on my neck of the woods for free drinks. Go away Hannah!
Renaissance Woman---I don't know how I missed you!!!! Must be trying to spell your name that scared me off......sorry
Oh and thank You I try.....seeeing as how talking is my favorite pastime...
not spelling!!
God. You are too funny! I love your posts.
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